[Salon] Rand Paul introduces bill to cut US aid to Palestinians | The Times of Israel

Always “fair game” for criticism here are Democrats, and “Biden’s War.” But omit the New Right's/Republican's, far, far greater rabid support for Israel’s fascists and genocide! And fair game as well, Woodrow Wilson, and “Wilson’s War.” But omit Republican Presidents before him; Theodore Roosevelt and Republicans escalation of Imperial Expansion beginning in 1898, and their demands to enter WW I immediately, in 1914. And after Wilson; Republican “Banana Wars,” 1921 - 1932. And also fair game are “NeoCons” (but don’t look to their war-mongering, authoritarian, “Traditional Conservative Origins,” of Buckley, Burnham, and Kendall!)

Sacrosanct, however, with one exception (me), are the “Israeli/U.S. Military/Surveillance Industrial Complex Network” connected to libertarian Charles Koch and “Conservative Revolutionary” devotee of Carl Schmitt/Leo Strauss, and Yoram Hazony’s National Conservatism, Peter Thiel. All bound together as the "New Right,” promoted as Trumpism. And all joined together with Trump’s/DeSantis’s “Traditional Conservative,” proponents. Under the ideological ideas originated as “Traditional Conservatism,” of William Buckley, James Burnham, and, especially Willmoore Kendall’s "political theory,” mirroring perfectly fascist theory. But with an affected British accent (Buckley). Or, the same when speaking as an “Oxford Man,” or, a “mid-American” Oklahoma accent, when feigning to care about “ordinary Americans” of the Heartland, while pretending to oppose “elitism” (Kendall). 

So anticipating criticism for criticizing a libertarian, one can’t say that Republican-libertarian Rand Paul’s promotion and defense of Israel’s war crimes, and hostility to relieving Palestinian’s suffering and starving is a recently adopted policy, or even due to joining Trump’s/Netanyahu/Adelson Coalition in 2016. Rand Paul was there in defense of the Israel fascists and their war crimes before Trump arrived on the scene. Perhaps in league with fellow libertarian Charles Koch’s own “cognitive war assault” upon the pro-Palestinian BDS cause, in getting supporters of BDS all but criminalized in as many states as possible. While awaiting Trump to fully criminalize them, and anyone who criticizes Israel’s Zionist Fascist, with Trump’s Exec. Order definition of “Anti-Semitism,” now on the verge of being passed into law, with Republican’s most emphatic support of that as part of the Trump/Netanyahu Coalition. 

7 January 2015, 10:10 pm WASHINGTON — Republican Sen. Rand Paul introduced a bill on Wednesday that would immediately halt US aid to the Palestinians until they halt their effort to join the International Criminal Court to pursue war-crimes charges against Israel."

And now “driving the final nails” into the Palestinian’s “coffin”: 

Sens. John Kennedy (R-La.) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.) have proposed a new law in response to reports that educators for the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) had taught bigotry to their students.

But Rand’s “War” on Palestinians began here, if not before!

Rand Paul introduces bill to cut US aid to Palestinians

Proposed legislation by Republican senator would halt $400m in financial assistance to PA in response to ICC bid


WASHINGTON — Republican Sen. Rand Paul introduced a bill on Wednesday that would immediately halt US aid to the Palestinians until they halt their effort to join the International Criminal Court to pursue war-crimes charges against Israel.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ recent turn to the international court at The Hague marked a major policy shift and transformed his relations with Israel from strained to openly hostile. Abbas has been under heavy domestic pressure to take stronger action against Israel after a 50-day war between the Jewish state and militants in Gaza over the summer, tensions over holy sites in Jerusalem and the failure of the last round of US-led peace talks.

While Palestinian membership in the court doesn’t automatically incur US punishment, existing law says any Palestinian case against Israel at the court would trigger an immediate cutoff of US financial support. Paul’s bill would ban assistance until the Palestinians stop their move to become a member of the court.

Paul is a likely Republican presidential contender in 2016.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said late Tuesday that the state of Palestine will join the International Criminal Court on April 1. On Monday, the Obama administration said it was reviewing its annual $440 million aid package to the Palestinians because of the decision to join the ICC.

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“We are currently sending roughly $400 million of US taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority,” Paul said. “Certainly, groups that threaten Israel cannot be allies of the US. I will continue to do everything in my power to make sure this president and this Congress stop treating Israel’s enemies as American allies.”

Paul, a conservative, generally favors a smaller American footprint in the world and in 2011 offered a budget plan that called for ending foreign aid to all nations, including Israel.

On a visit to Israel in 2013, Paul gave a speech calling for a gradual reduction of foreign aid — despite Israel’s status as one of the top recipients of American assistance. The country gets about $3 billion a year in military aid from the US. He says even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that he welcomes a day when Israel is independent of American aid.

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